The ice point of an ungraduated mercury in glass thermometer is x while it stem point is 90°This thermometer read 60°when the true tempetature is 40°c calculate the value of x?


To calculate the value of x, we need to use the concept of calibration for the mercury in glass thermometer. Calibration involves determining the difference between the actual temperature and the reading on the thermometer at certain reference points.

In this case, we have the following reference points:
- The ice point: This is the temperature at which the thermometer should read 0°C.
- The stem point: This is the temperature at which the thermometer should read 90°C.

Given that the thermometer reads 60°C when the true temperature is 40°C, we can calculate the calibration factor as follows:

Calibration factor = (Actual temperature - Reading on the thermometer) / (Actual temperature - Ice point)

In this case, we can substitute the values:
Calibration factor = (40°C - 60°C) / (40°C - x)

Simplifying the equation:
-20 / (40 - x) = 60 / 40
-20(40) = 60(40 - x)
-800 = 2400 - 60x
60x = 3200
x = 3200 / 60
x ≈ 53.33

Therefore, the ice point of the ungraduated mercury in glass thermometer is approximately 53.33°C.