1. The total momentum of the two race cars before a collision is 600kg m/s. What is the total momentum of the two race cars after they collide?

0kg m/s
150kg m/s
300kg m/s
600kg m/s

momentum is conserved, right?

i think so

600kg m/s anyways the answers for the test are

A. The ball won't move until there is an outside force acted upon it like a kick
B. Force= mass x acceleration
D. 1N
A.45kg m/s
A. 600kg m/s


To find the total momentum of the two race cars after they collide, we need to understand the principle of conservation of momentum. According to this principle, the total momentum before a collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision.

In this case, the total momentum before the collision is given as 600 kg m/s. Therefore, the total momentum after the collision will also be 600 kg m/s.

So, the correct answer is 600 kg m/s.