let a = ci + j and b= 4i + 3j. Find c so that and b are orthogonal

what is the value of c?

To find the value of c such that a and b are orthogonal, we need to calculate the dot product between a and b and set it equal to zero. The dot product of two vectors is given by the sum of the products of their corresponding components.

Given a = ci + j and b = 4i + 3j, we can calculate the dot product as follows:

a · b = (ci + j) · (4i + 3j)
= c(4i) + c(3j) + 1(i) + 1(3j)
= 4ci + 3cj + i + 3j

For a and b to be orthogonal, their dot product must be zero:

4ci + 3cj + i + 3j = 0

Now, let's separate the terms with i and j:

(4c + 1)i + (3c + 3)j = 0

For this equation to hold true, the coefficients of i and j must both be zero:

4c + 1 = 0 => 4c = -1 => c = -1/4

3c + 3 = 0 => 3c = -3 => c = -1

Hence, c = -1/4 is the value that makes a and b orthogonal.

Two vectors are orthogonal if their dot product is zero.

The dot product of two vectors a and b is given by the formula: a · b = (a1 * b1) + (a2 * b2).

Given vectors a = ci + j and b = 4i + 3j, we can find their dot product:

a · b = (c * 4) + (1 * 3)
= 4c + 3

For a and b to be orthogonal, their dot product should be zero:

4c + 3 = 0

Now we solve this equation for c:

4c = -3
c = -3/4

Therefore, the value of c that makes a and b orthogonal is c = -3/4.

orthogonal means they are perpendicular, that is, their dot product is zero

(c,1) dot (4,3) = 0

4c + 3 = 0
c = -3/4