Andrew has 45 rock songs, 82 dance songs, ad 65 rap songs on his play list. If his music player randomly selects a song, what is the probability that it is not a dance song?

it's 110/192, or 55/96 simplified :)




(45+65)/(45+82+65) = ?

To find the probability that a randomly selected song is not a dance song, we need to determine the total number of songs that are not dance songs and divide it by the total number of songs in Andrew's playlist.

Given that Andrew has 45 rock songs, 82 dance songs, and 65 rap songs, the total number of songs in his playlist is:

45 + 82 + 65 = 192

To find the number of songs that are not dance songs, we subtract the number of dance songs from the total number of songs:

192 - 82 = 110

Therefore, there are 110 songs in Andrew's playlist that are not dance songs. The probability that a randomly selected song is not a dance song is:

110 / 192 ≈ 0.573

So, the probability is approximately 0.573 or 57.3%.