How did the Enlightenment influence the American and French Revolutions?

Notions of full social equality caused the slave populations to rise up and overthrow their masters in favor of a democratic system.
Enlightenment philosophers published pamphlets in favor of monarchs’ divine right to rule, angering people into revolution.
Enlightenment emphasis on Protestant Christianity caused people to rebel against Catholic authority.
Ideas about natural rights philosophy caused people to question and overthrow monarchy in favor of representative governments.
I think C?


Yes, D.

Okay, thank you:)

You're welcome.

Actually, the correct answer is D - Ideas about natural rights philosophy caused people to question and overthrow monarchy in favor of representative governments.

During the Enlightenment, philosophers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau developed theories about individual rights, the social contract, and the consent of the governed. These ideas had a profound influence on the American and French Revolutions.

In the American Revolution, the colonists were inspired by Enlightenment thinkers emphasizing natural rights, such as life, liberty, and property. They believed that the British monarchy was violating these rights and thus revolted against their rule, eventually leading to the formation of the United States and a democratic government based on these principles.

Similarly, in the French Revolution, Enlightenment ideas played a key role. The French people, inspired by the writings of Rousseau and Voltaire, questioned the absolute authority of the monarchy and demanded more political power and representation. They sought to establish a republic based on principles of equality, justice, and popular sovereignty, leading to the downfall of the French monarchy.

So, the Enlightenment's emphasis on natural rights philosophy not only influenced but also provided the intellectual foundation for these revolutions, shaping the course and ideals of both the American and French Revolutions.