why can families like Yasmin's easily move from place to place in Europe

The European Union is like the United States and Canada in that they can travel between countries as we travel from state to state or province to province.

thx Ms. Sue

Yw, Sandra,

that doesnt help me.

ya i need the answers

message sent at 9:18

Families like Yasmin's are able to easily move from place to place in Europe due to the existence of the Schengen Area and the freedom of movement within it. The Schengen Area is a zone comprising 26 European countries that have abolished passport and other types of border control at their mutual borders, allowing people to move freely between these countries.

To understand why families like Yasmin's can move easily within Europe, you can follow these steps to get more information:

1. Research the Schengen Area: Look up information on the Schengen Area, its member countries, and its objectives. This will provide you with a framework for understanding the free movement of people within Europe.

2. Understand the Schengen Agreement: Learn about the Schengen Agreement, which was signed in 1985 and established the Schengen Area. This agreement aimed to remove internal border controls and create a unified external border control for member countries.

3. Explore the concept of freedom of movement: Look into the principle of freedom of movement within the European Union (EU), which allows EU citizens to live and work in any EU member state. This principle is also extended to some non-EU countries within the Schengen Area.

4. Learn about residency rules: Investigate the residency rules and requirements within the Schengen Area. Typically, citizens of Schengen member countries, as well as their family members, have the right to live and travel freely within the area.

5. Consider the benefits and challenges: Analyze the benefits and challenges of living and moving within the Schengen Area. While it offers greater flexibility and opportunities for families like Yasmin's, it also presents certain limitations and regulatory aspects that need to be considered.

By following these steps, you will gain a deeper understanding of why families like Yasmin's can easily move from place to place within Europe, thanks to the Schengen Area and the principles of freedom of movement.