Evaluate the expression (7 - 3)3 + 4 2

(The 4 has the power of 2)
Please help! Maybe just explain it? When I tried, I got 18, and 18 isn't a answer choice. TIA!

look at it this way, 7-3=4. 3+(4x4). if that makes sense to you, your awnser should be 23

(7 - 3)3 + 4^2 = 4*3 + 4^2 = 12+16 = 28

(7 - 3)^3 + 4^2 = 4^3 + 4^2 = 64+16 = 80
I see no way to get 18. How did you evaluate it?

C'mon -- if you tried, but think you're wrong, show us why. You want us to show how we get our answer, right?

To evaluate the expression (7 - 3)3 + 4^2, we need to follow the order of operations, which is usually represented by the acronym PEMDAS or BODMAS.

1. First, within the parentheses, perform the subtraction:
(7 - 3) = 4

2. Next, we have (4)3, so we need to perform the multiplication operation:
4 * 3 = 12

3. Now, we have 12 + 4^2. The next operation to perform is the exponentiation, where 4 is raised to the power of 2:
4^2 = 4 * 4 = 16

4. Finally, we have 12 + 16.
12 + 16 = 28

Therefore, the correct evaluation of the expression is 28. It seems that your calculation of 18 might have involved a mistake somewhere along the way.

To evaluate the expression (7 - 3)3 + 4^2, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Solve the parentheses first. (7 - 3) equals 4.

Step 2: Now we have 4 * 3 + 4^2.

Step 3: Next, perform the exponentiation. 4^2 means 4 raised to the power of 2, which is 4 * 4 = 16.

Step 4: Now we have 4 * 3 + 16.

Step 5: Finally, perform the multiplication and addition from left to right. 4 * 3 equals 12, and 12 + 16 equals 28.

Therefore, the answer to the expression (7 - 3)3 + 4^2 is 28.

If you obtained a different result when you tried to solve it and got 18, I recommend checking your calculation steps again. Make sure to apply the correct order of operations: parentheses, exponentiation, multiplication/division (from left to right), and addition/subtraction (from left to right) to get the correct answer.