
Are they cooks?
1. No, they are not.
2. No, they're not.
3. No, they aren't.
[Are the three answers grammatical?]

4. Max isn't my pet.
5. Max's not my pet.
[Is #5 grammatical?]

6. Betty and I aren't late for school.
7. Betty and I're not late for school.
[Is #7 grammatical?]

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👁 31

asked by rfvv

1-6 are fine.

7 is not.

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👎 0

posted by MS
Mar 1, 2019 at 10:05am

Thank you.

4. Max isn't my pet.
5. Max's not my pet.
[Is #5 grammatical?]
5-1. Max' not my pet. [What about this one?]
How do you pronounce "Max's"?

4. Max isn't my pet. <~~OK

5. Max's not my pet. <~~OK
[Is #5 grammatical?] <~~Basically, yes, but used more in speech than in writing.
5-1. Max' not my pet. [What about this one?] <~~No
How do you pronounce "Max's"? <~~It sounds like "Maxes"

Both sentence #4 and sentence #5 are grammatically correct.

In sentence #4, "Max isn't my pet," the contraction "isn't" is used to combine the words "is" and "not."

In sentence #5, "Max's not my pet," the contraction "Max's" is used to indicate possession, with "Max's" meaning "Max is" or "belonging to Max." The contraction "not" is added after "Max's" to indicate negation.

Regarding your additional question, the pronunciation of "Max's" would be similar to "Max-iz" in spoken English. The "s" at the end of "Max's" is pronounced as a separate sound, like the "s" sound in "is" or "his."