What effects does the figurative language in line 22-23 have?

It appears invisible.

why don't you actually help us ms. sue instead of just saying stuff lke that?

To answer your question about the effects of figurative language in lines 22-23, I would need the specific lines or the context in which they appear. Could you please provide the text or additional information?

To analyze the effects of figurative language in a specific literary context, such as line 22-23, you need to identify the type of figurative language being used and then examine the impact it has on the overall meaning and tone of the text. Figurative language is a literary device that uses words or expressions that are different from their literal meanings to convey a more vivid or imaginative image.

Without knowing the specific context or text you are referring to, I can provide a general approach to understanding the effects of figurative language. Follow these steps to analyze the effects of figurative language in line 22-23:

1. Identify the type of figurative language: Determine what specific type of figurative language is being used in the given lines. Common types include metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, and symbolism.

2. Examine the meaning: Understand the literal meaning of the phrase and compare it to the figurative interpretation. Look for any comparisons, associations, or symbolic representations implied by the figurative language.

3. Interpret the impact: Consider the broader context of the text and how the figurative language enhances or alters the intended meaning. Look for any emotional, sensory, or imaginative effects the figurative language brings to the reader.

4. Analyze the tone: Assess how the figurative language contributes to the overall tone or mood of the text. It might evoke emotions, create a specific atmosphere, or add layers of meaning.

Once you provide the specific lines or context you are referring to, I can help you further analyze the effects of the figurative language used in line 22-23.