An intricately detailed illustration depicting the historical Silk Road. Show a vibrant bustling bazaar scene with merchants of various descents like Middle-Eastern, South Asian, Caucasian, and Hispanic, trading a wide variety of goods like spices, silk, and precious metals. A number of camels and horse-driven carriages should be present, symbolizing long-distance travel. Various landscapes like deserts, mountains, and oasis should be depicted in the background to resonate with the geographical diversity of the Silk Road route. Please ensure the image contains no text.

What was the primary puporse of the Silk Road?

to spread Christianity throughout the region

to spread democracy throughout the region

to engage in trade with other nations+++

to spread customs throughout the area

1. C

2. D
3. B

The final score is 3/3 (100%).

All the people saying justarbberduck are wrong. I used their answers and got a 100%! In case the letters switch around the answers are: engage in trade with other nations
2.She conquered the Black Sea coast and parts of Poland.
3.Unrest among the poor grew.
Have a great day/night, guys!


i got 100% thx justarbberduck

tyy bloom is correct !!! :D

Thank you it was 100%

bloom is correct lol

Thank you@bloom for acutally putting the answers now just ABCD

I GOT A 33.33

thx to justarbberduck

ether i put it wrong or your wrong but i got a 33%