Which of the following is true of people moving to the suburbs purchasing automobiles a women were allowed to drive in there by gain more freedom it was a lifestyle only the wealthy could afford one on the left isolated all day is vintage cars work in the city cities could not keep up with road construction and places outside the city

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Hey, Ms. Sue, don’t you think it was rather rude to talk to a student that’s just trying to get help like that?

lmao @Ms. Sue is a dam savage

Among the given options, the following statement is true: "Women were allowed to drive there, gaining more freedom."

To understand why this statement is true, let's break down the other options and explain why they are false:

1. "A lifestyle only the wealthy could afford": This option is false because moving to the suburbs and purchasing automobiles became a popular trend in the middle class after World War II. It was not limited to the wealthy.

2. "One on the left isolated all day": This option is unclear and doesn't make sense in the given context, so it is false.

3. "Vintage cars work in the city": This option is false because the question is about people moving to the suburbs, not about the use of vintage cars in the city.

4. "Cities could not keep up with road construction and places outside the city": This option is false because cities often invested in road construction and infrastructure to accommodate the growing suburban population. While there were challenges, it does not support the notion that cities couldn't keep up.

Therefore, of the given options, only the statement about women gaining more freedom by being allowed to drive in the suburbs rings true.