To [man] it is granted to have whatever he chooses, to be whatever he wills.

–Pico della Mirandola, 1486
Use the quotation to answer the question.
What characteristic of the Renaissance does the quotation reflect?
A. perspective
B. patronage**
C. spirit of adventure and curiosity
D. religious faith

okay the answer is C. spirit of adventure and curiosity

I am trying to build my credibility up so if you could help me that would be cool

I disagree.

if you copy the question into google it quizlet will popup so there you go buddy

To answer the question, we need to analyze the quotation and understand its context within the Renaissance period. The quotation states, "To [man] it is granted to have whatever he chooses, to be whatever he wills," which suggests that individuals have the power to shape their own destinies and exercise their free will.

The characteristic of the Renaissance that the quotation reflects is B. patronage. During the Renaissance, patronage played a significant role in supporting artists, scholars, and thinkers. Wealthy individuals, such as nobles and merchants, sponsored and commissioned works of art, literature, and scientific discoveries. This patronage allowed artists and thinkers to freely choose their subjects and express their ideas, pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking and contributing to the cultural and intellectual advancement of society.

In this context, the quotation highlights the concept of individuals having the freedom to choose, create, and cultivate their own talents and interests. It exemplifies the patronage system that allowed individuals to exercise their wills and bring their visions to life, a characteristic central to the Renaissance period.