The quotient of 12 divided by the difference of 3 times d minus 3


-------- =
3 d - 3

3 ∙ 4
------------- =
3 ∙ ( d -1 )

d -1

12 divided by [the difference of (3 times d) minus 3]

12/(3d - 3) = 4/(d-1)

2. d=3

To find the quotient of 12 divided by the difference of 3 times d minus 3, follow these steps:

1. Start by evaluating the expression inside the difference: 3 times d minus 3.
- Multiply 3 by d: 3 * d = 3d.
- Subtract 3 from 3d: 3d - 3.

2. Now we have the difference of 3d - 3.

3. Divide 12 by the difference (3d - 3) to find the quotient.
- So the expression becomes: 12 / (3d - 3).

After following these steps, you have the quotient of 12 divided by the difference of 3 times d minus 3 as 12 / (3d - 3).



the answer is 12 because 12 divided by 3 is 4 and 4 times 3 is 12