There is an animal at the Toledo Zoo that needs to be transported to the Cincinnati Zoo. The distance between the two cities on the map is 12.2 cm. Using the scale on the map below, how many miles apart are the two cities? Show how you set up the proportion and your calculations

(scale is 50 miles = 3 cm)

(actual mi) / (map cm) = (scale mi) / (scale cm)

(actual mi) / (map cm) = (scale mi) / (scale cm)

x / 12.52 = 50 / 3

Cross multiply and solve for x.


x/12.2 = 50/3
solve for x

or, 12.2cm is appr 4 times the 3 cm
so the distance should be appr 4 times 50 or 200 miles.

Did you come close to that for x ?

d = 50mi/3cm * 12.2cm = 203.3 miles.

thank all of you

To find out how many miles apart the two cities are, we can set up a proportion using the scale given on the map.

The scale on the map is 50 miles = 3 cm. Let's label the distance between the two cities on the map as "x" miles.

So, we have the proportion:

50 miles / 3 cm = x miles / 12.2 cm

To solve for "x," we can cross-multiply and solve for it:

3 cm * x miles = 50 miles * 12.2 cm

3x = 610

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to isolate "x":

x = 610 / 3

x ≈ 203.33 miles

Therefore, the two cities, Toledo and Cincinnati, are approximately 203.33 miles apart.