the presence of a specific trait is genetically inherited. there are only two possible outcomes for this trait; individual either inherits the trait or does not inherit the trait. which statement best describes how parents influence this trait?

a. each parent contributes one allele for this trait
b. each parent contributes two genes for this trait
c.wach parent contributes two chromosomes for this trait.

please help!

so i’m thinking it’s A but i’m not sure

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1. In biology, a trait that arose in an ancestor and is passed along to its descendants is referred to as a

help please does anyone know the Lesson 20: Evolution Unit Test Connections Education
Biology B Unit 1: Evolution

A: derived character

Nevermind i read it wrong : |

To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand how traits are inherited.

In most cases, traits are determined by genes, which are segments of DNA that contain the instructions for specific traits. Genes exist in pairs, or alleles, where an individual inherits one allele from each parent.

Based on this information, the correct statement that best describes how parents influence this trait is:

a. Each parent contributes one allele for this trait.

Each parent contributes one allele, and the combination of these alleles from both parents determines whether the individual inherits the trait or not. So, option (a) is the correct statement.