How are seamounts like the Rockies a bath or forms of mountain be both are made from the same kind of rock see both are connected to the oceans continental shelf day both are easily wrote it by water answerisvA

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are they both form of mountain?

The answer to "How are seamounts like the Rockies?" is they are both forms of mountains

Hehe is correct!!!!

The answers for connexus are

1- B
3- C
4- A

I got 4/4 100%.

Seamounts and the Rockies both have similarities in terms of rock formation and their connection to water, but there are also some differences between them.

Seamounts are underwater mountains that rise from the ocean floor. They are mostly formed from volcanic activity. When an underwater volcano erupts, lava flows out and cools underwater, forming a solid structure that builds up over time. The repeated eruptions can create a cone-shaped mountain. Seamounts are often isolated and can be found in all of the world's oceans.

On the other hand, the Rockies, or the Rocky Mountains, are a major mountain range that stretches over 3,000 miles in North America, mainly through the western United States and Canada. They are formed through a geological process called orogeny, which involves the collision of tectonic plates. About 80 million years ago, the Pacific Plate collided with and slid under the North American Plate, resulting in the uplifting of the Rockies. The mountains are primarily made up of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks.

Although both seamounts and the Rockies are made up of rocks, seamounts are primarily formed from volcanic activity underwater, while the Rockies are the result of tectonic plate collisions on land. Both landforms can be affected by water erosion, as water can carve and shape the mountains over time. However, the erosional processes on seamounts occur underwater, while erosion on the Rockies includes both water erosion from rivers and glaciers and weathering from wind and rainfall.

In summary, both seamounts and the Rockies are forms of mountains made from rocks, but their formation processes and environments are different. Seamounts are created through volcanic activity underwater, while the Rockies are the result of tectonic plate collisions on land. Additionally, while both landforms can be eroded by water, the type and extent of erosion may vary.