unit 2 lesson 9

i have all the qutions right except

#7 which of these revitions combines sentences 5 and 6 using a subordinating conjunction?
#8 which of the following sentences would intenify the suspense in this passage?
#10 which of the following can you infer about your friend and her skates?
#17 what is a possible theme of the slection?

ms. sue please help me?

or can sombody else help?

I'm so sorry -- but I'm not a mind reader.

She means, tell her you answer and she'll check it!

I'll be happy to help you with your questions! To figure out the correct answers, let's go through each question step by step and explain how to find the answers:

7. "Which of these revisions combines sentences 5 and 6 using a subordinating conjunction?"
To answer this question, you need to find the two sentences (5 and 6) in the passage and identify a subordinating conjunction that can join them together. Look for subordinating conjunctions like "although," "because," "unless," or "while" in the answer choices. Then, compare the conjunctions with the context in sentences 5 and 6 to determine the correct revision.

8. "Which of the following sentences would intensify the suspense in this passage?"
To answer this question, you need to identify the section of the passage where suspense is being built and look for an answer choice that adds to the tension or anticipation. Pay close attention to descriptive words, sentence structure, and the overall tone of the passage to find the sentence that would enhance the sense of suspense.

10. "Which of the following can you infer about your friend and her skates?"
To answer this question, you need to gather information from the passage about your friend and her skates and make logical deductions based on that information. Look for explicit details, implied meanings, or evidence that can help you draw a conclusion about your friend and her skates. Eliminate any answer choices that contradict the information in the passage.

17. "What is a possible theme of the selection?"
To find the theme of a selection, you should look for recurring ideas, motifs, or patterns throughout the passage. Consider the main message or lesson the author is conveying. Look for deeper meanings or lessons that go beyond the surface-level plot. The theme should be a universal idea that can be applied to various situations.

Remember to refer to the relevant sections of the passage to find and support your answers. Good luck!