I need some help with the question on the multiplying and dividing fractions test I need connections help please

Do you want me to put some links in for you?

I need to finish as fast as I can I would love the answers thx for the help

Of course! I'd be happy to help you understand how to solve multiplying and dividing fractions questions.

To start, let's review the basic concept of multiplying and dividing fractions. When multiplying fractions, you simply multiply the numerators (the top numbers) together and then multiply the denominators (the bottom numbers) together. This gives you the answer in the form of a fraction.

For example, if you had the problem: 2/3 * 4/5, you would multiply 2 * 4 to get the numerator of the answer (8), and multiply 3 * 5 to get the denominator of the answer (15). Therefore, the result would be 8/15.

When dividing fractions, you take the reciprocal (or flip) of the second fraction, and then proceed to multiply the two fractions. In other words, you change the division operation to multiplication.

For example, if you had the problem: 2/3 ÷ 4/5, you would flip the second fraction to get 5/4. Then, you would multiply 2/3 * 5/4 to get the final answer.

If you could provide the specific question you need help with, I can guide you through the steps to solve it.


I hope this helps :)