During choice time the teacher put out 32 legos . Ronaldo has 15 fewer legos than Sandra. How many legos does Ronaldo have?

Do the two children share the 32 legos?

Sandra has 15 more than Ronaldo. So, assuming they share all the Legos,

r + r+15 <= 32
Hmmm. I guess there were some left over, unshared, right?

To determine how many legos Ronaldo has, we need to find Sandra's number of legos first.

Given that there are 32 legos in total, and Ronaldo has 15 fewer than Sandra, we can set up an equation: Sandra's legos + Ronaldo's legos = Total legos.

Let's represent Sandra's number of legos as "S". Since Ronaldo has 15 fewer legos, we can represent his number of legos as "S - 15". The equation becomes:

S + (S - 15) = 32

Now we can solve for S:

Combine like terms:
2S - 15 = 32

Add 15 to both sides:
2S = 47

Divide both sides by 2:
S = 23.5

We find that Sandra has 23.5 legos. Since we can't have a fraction of a lego, it's likely that there's been a mistake in the problem statement or the solution.

Please provide more information or clarification so that we can help you accurately determine how many legos Ronaldo has.