What were the outcomes of the Glorious Revolution?

(Select all that apply.)

William and Mary overthrew King James II.
Parliament was overthrown by King James II.
Parliament was granted more governing power.
William and Mary renounced parliament’s governing power.

i think it is A and D.

A - yes

D - no


The correct outcomes of the Glorious Revolution are A and C.

A) William and Mary overthrew King James II: This is true. In the Glorious Revolution of 1688, William of Orange, along with his wife Mary, successfully overthrew King James II, who was then exiled to France.

C) Parliament was granted more governing power: This is also true. One of the main goals of the Glorious Revolution was to establish a constitutional monarchy with a stronger role for Parliament. As a result, the Bill of Rights 1689 was enacted, limiting the powers of the monarchy and asserting the supremacy of Parliament.

B) Parliament was overthrown by King James II: This statement is incorrect. It was actually King James II who was overthrown, not Parliament.

D) William and Mary renounced parliament’s governing power: This statement is incorrect. In fact, William and Mary accepted the new limitations on the monarchy and recognized the increased authority of Parliament.

So, the correct options are A (William and Mary overthrew King James II) and C (Parliament was granted more governing power).