What best describes the outcome of the Spanish Inquisition?

Christian armies defeated Muslims for control of Spain.

Muslims defeated Christian armies for control of Spain.

The Holy Roman Empire defeated the Visigoths for control of Spain.

Visigoths defeated the Holy Roman Empire for control of Spain.

I think it is c

I disagree.


Wondering what your text says. Nearly all of the events above occurred in the sixth to seventh century, and the Spanish Inquisition declined many hundreds of years later. The main outcome was the persecution of Jews, and Islamic, and their spread throughout the world. The other major outcome was the decline of the Catholic Church.

I'm sorry, none of the options you provided accurately describes the outcome of the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition was a period of intense religious persecution initiated by the Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile in the late 15th century. It aimed to maintain Catholic orthodoxy and eliminate religious dissent, primarily targeting Jews and Muslims who had converted to Christianity but were suspected of practicing their previous faiths in secret. The Inquisition resulted in the expulsion of Jews and Muslims from Spain and led to the establishment of a more unified Catholic kingdom.

I'm sorry, but none of the options you provided accurately describes the outcome of the Spanish Inquisition. The Spanish Inquisition was not a military conflict or a political power struggle, but rather a religious institution established by the Spanish monarchy in the late 15th century. Its main purpose was to maintain Catholic orthodoxy and suppress any form of heresy or religious dissent within Spain.

The correct outcome of the Spanish Inquisition was the persecution and expulsion of non-Catholics (specifically Jews and later Muslims) from Spain. It led to a significant decline in religious diversity and cultural pluralism in the country. So, none of the options you provided is the correct answer.