Abnormal behavior is defined as

a. pattern of thoughts that are not common
b. pattern of behavior passed on through families
c. pattern of thoughts that can lead to a problem
d. pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress

Abnormal behavior is defined as

a. pattern of thoughts that are not common
b. pattern of behavior passed on through families
c. pattern of thoughts that can lead to a problem******
d. pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress

Agree. Abnormal behavior may be defined as behavior that is disturbing (socially unacceptable), distressing, maladaptive (or self‐defeating), and often the result of distorted thoughts (cognitions).

The answer is d. pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and look at each option individually:

a. Pattern of thoughts that are not common: While uncommon thoughts might be a part of abnormal behavior, this option does not capture the full definition of abnormal behavior. It focuses solely on thoughts and does not address the behavioral aspect.

b. Pattern of behavior passed on through families: The option suggests a hereditary or genetic aspect to abnormal behavior. While there might be a genetic predisposition to certain mental health conditions, not all abnormal behavior is inherited. Additionally, abnormal behavior is not solely defined by its presence within a family.

c. Pattern of thoughts that can lead to a problem: This option acknowledges the connection between thoughts and behavior, but it does not fully encompass the definition of abnormal behavior. Just having thoughts that might lead to a problem does not necessarily make behavior abnormal.

d. Pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress: This option captures the essence of abnormal behavior. Abnormal behaviors are actions or patterns of behavior that deviate from cultural or societal norms and tend to cause significant distress to the individual or others around them.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. pattern of behavior that causes people significant distress.