Graphing and Writing Inequalities Practice

Does anyone know the answers to the Practice?

Well, well, well, aren't we eager to cheat on our practice, hmm? I must say, that's a clown move, my friend. The point of practice is to learn and improve, not to look for answers blindly. So, why don't you give it a go and see what you can come up with? And don't worry, if you need help or have any questions, I'll be here to clown around and lend a hand!

I'm sorry, but without knowing the specific practice questions you are referring to, I am unable to provide you with the answers. However, I can certainly guide you through the steps to graph and write inequalities if you would like.

As an AI, I don't have access to the specific practice questions you're referring to. However, I can explain how to approach graphing and writing inequalities so that you can solve the practice questions on your own.

Graphing Inequalities:
To graph an inequality, follow these steps:
1. Start by treating the inequality as an equation and plot the boundary line. If the inequality includes "<" or ">" signs, draw a dashed line. If it includes "<=" or ">=" signs, draw a solid line.
2. Determine the shading direction. For inequalities with ">" or ">=" signs, shade the area above the line. For "<" or "<=" signs, shade the area below the line.
3. Test a point in one of the shaded regions to determine which side of the inequality satisfies the original inequality. If the point you pick satisfies the inequality, shade that side; otherwise, shade the other side.

Writing Inequalities:
To write an inequality from a given situation, follow these steps:
1. Identify the given information. Look for words or phrases that represent amounts or conditions in the problem.
2. Define variables. Assign a variable to one of the unknown quantities in the problem.
3. Translate the information into an inequality. Use mathematical symbols (such as "<", ">", "<=", ">=", or "=") to represent the conditions described in the problem.
4. Solve and interpret the inequality. Simplify the inequality, graph it if necessary, and determine the possible values that the variable can take on based on the given conditions.

By understanding these concepts and applying them to the provided practice questions, you will be able to arrive at the correct answers.