which of the inner planets has an internal structure similar to earth' and has the hottest surface of any planet in our solar system

look up Mercury and Venus

The Answer is C.mars

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The inner planet that has an internal structure similar to Earth and has the hottest surface of any planet in our solar system is Venus.

The inner planet that has an internal structure similar to Earth and has the hottest surface of any planet in our solar system is Venus.

To find this answer, you need to understand the characteristics of the inner planets and compare them to Earth's. The inner planets, also known as terrestrial planets, include Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are all relatively small and rocky.

When comparing the inner planets to Earth, we can eliminate Mercury and Mars as options. Mercury is much smaller than Earth and does not have a similar internal structure. Mars, on the other hand, is also smaller and has a colder surface temperature than Earth.

That leaves us with Venus and Earth. Venus has a similar size and structure to Earth, with a solid surface and a rocky composition. However, what sets Venus apart is its extremely high surface temperature. In fact, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, with an average temperature of about 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius) due to its thick atmosphere that traps heat.

Therefore, the correct answer is Venus, as it matches the criteria mentioned.