Tonya has been invited to help a new family whose child has a recently diagnosed disability and need

to develop an individualized education plan (IEP). Upon meeting the parents, Tonya automatically assumes
that they're going to be able to handle all the changes and requirements of their child's diagnosis and
proceeds in such a manner. Tonya is encouraging the family's empowerment by
A. creating opportunities for the family to show their strengths.
B. giving the family a sense of control over their situation.
C. taking advantage of the fact that they want to do her job for her.
D. taking a proactive stance.

my answer is a.

My answer hasn't changed.

after I read I believe that my answer will be D.

It could be D. Or what about B? What does your text say?

Yes, your answer is correct. Tonya is encouraging the family's empowerment by creating opportunities for the family to show their strengths. By assuming that the parents can handle the changes and requirements of their child's diagnosis, Tonya is giving them the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities and take an active role in their child's education plan. This approach empowers the family by recognizing their strengths and capabilities.