what was a focus of the constitution of 1824?

A. effective economic principles
B. state-lead governments MY ANSWER
C. strong, central federal government
D. unification of all states


The Constitution of 1824 was a crucial document for the governance of Mexico after it gained independence from Spain. It was established to address several key aspects, one of which was the focus on state-led governments. This means that the power was decentralized, giving states a significant level of autonomy in their governance. This was a deliberate attempt to avoid the consolidation of power in a strong central government, which is why option B, state-led governments, is the correct answer.

To arrive at this answer, you can study the history and context of the Constitution of 1824. Understanding the objectives and concerns at the time of its creation will provide clarity in identifying the main focus of the constitution. Reading historical documents, books, or articles related to this period can also offer valuable insight.