A comparison and contrast essay uses which of the following elements? select all that apply.

(all answers??)

HeLp pLeZ!! :(

When writing a comparison and contrast essay, there are several elements to consider. Here are the commonly used elements in this type of essay:

1. Introduction: This includes an opening paragraph that introduces the topic and presents the thesis statement, which articulates the main points of comparison and contrast.

2. Body paragraphs: These paragraphs elaborate on the main points introduced in the thesis statement. Each paragraph focuses on one aspect or aspect of the topic being compared or contrasted.

3. Point-by-point or block structure: When organizing the essay, you can choose to use either a point-by-point or block structure. The point-by-point structure alternates between discussing a specific point about the two subjects being compared or contrasted. The block structure, on the other hand, dedicates separate paragraphs to each subject, discussing their similarities and differences.

4. Similarities and differences: The essay should clearly outline the similarities and differences between the subjects being compared or contrasted. It is essential to provide specific examples, evidence, or supporting details for each point mentioned.

5. Transitions: To ensure smooth flow between paragraphs and ideas, transitions should be used effectively. These can include words and phrases like "similarly," "in contrast," "on the other hand," "however," etc.

6. Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and restates the thesis. It may also provide a final thought or emphasize the significance of the comparison or contrast made.

Remember, when writing an essay, it is important to follow the instructions and guidelines provided by your teacher or professor.