Why was the Wannsee Conference called in 1942?

Prior to 1942, Nazi ideology only called for the separation of Jews into their own regions within Europe, allowing Aryans to develop freely; however, areas for the Jews had run out.
Prior to 1942, almost all Jews had fled from Germany to other countries, and it was now time for the Nazis to seek them out for extermination.
Prior to 1942, Jews were allowed to live peaceably among other Germans; however, after the events of Kristallnacht, a policy of Jewish persecution was sought.
Prior to 1942, Jews were mostly placed into ghettos or deported to concentration camps; however, in 1942, Germany decided to implement its plan of extermination.





It's D

The correct answer is C. Prior to 1942, Jews were allowed to live peaceably among other Germans; however, after the events of Kristallnacht, a policy of Jewish persecution was sought.

To get the answer, you can look at the historical context. The Wannsee Conference was held on January 20, 1942, in Wannsee, a suburb of Berlin. The purpose of the conference was to discuss and coordinate the implementation of the "Final Solution" to the Jewish Question, which involved the mass extermination of Jews by the Nazis.

In the years leading up to 1942, the Nazis had implemented various anti-Semitic policies, such as the Nuremberg Laws, which deprived Jews of their rights and subjected them to discrimination. However, prior to 1942, the Nazis had not yet formulated a comprehensive plan for the systematic extermination of all European Jews.

The events of Kristallnacht, also known as the Night of Broken Glass, occurred in November 1938. During this state-sanctioned pogrom, synagogues were destroyed, Jewish-owned businesses were looted and vandalized, and many Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Kristallnacht marked a turning point in the Nazi policy towards Jews, as it signaled a shift towards increased persecution and a more systematic approach to solving the so-called "Jewish Question."

Therefore, the Wannsee Conference was called in 1942 to discuss and coordinate the implementation of the "Final Solution" in response to the escalating persecution of Jews and the need for a comprehensive plan for their extermination.