I really need help on my home work and my question says:

Stretch your thinking write a subtraction equation with the difference of 54.57 The n draw a number line to show between which two whole numbers the difference lies.

You have many possibilities. Examples:

55 - a = 54.57

100 - b = 54.57

Cannot draw here.

To write a subtraction equation with a difference of 54.57, we need to use the formula: minuend - subtrahend = difference.

Let's call the minuend 'x' and the subtrahend 'y'. Our equation will be: x - y = 54.57.

Now, in order to solve this equation, we need more information. We need to know the value of either 'x' or 'y'. Without knowing the values of the minuend or subtrahend, we cannot find the exact subtraction equation.

However, we can still draw a number line to show between which two whole numbers the difference could lie. We can assume that both 'x' and 'y' are whole numbers in order to make this visual representation.

Let's suppose 'x' is a whole number. We can choose any whole number for 'y' and find the difference. For example, let's say 'y' is 10. This means our equation becomes: x - 10 = 54.57.

Solving this equation for 'x', we find x ≈ 64.57. Therefore, the difference lies between the whole numbers 64 and 65 on the number line.

However, this is just one possible scenario. If you have more information about the values of 'x' or 'y', please provide it, so we can assist you further.