Decide whether each of the following quotations states a fact or an opinion, On the line at the right, write fact or opinion. Then write an explanation of each answer on the line below.

3. "...after each short stop we kept going twisting always higher along the ridge..."
5. "One scene was of particular interest."
7. "...we were not the leader and the led. We were partners.

We'll be glad to check your answers.

Forgot to mention i think they are all opinion?

I agree.

3. Fact

Explanation: To determine whether this quotation states a fact or an opinion, we need to focus on the objective nature of the statement. In this case, the quotation describes a sequential action of continuously moving higher along the ridge. This can be objectively verified or proven, making it a fact.

5. Opinion

Explanation: The use of the phrase "of particular interest" indicates a personal judgment or viewpoint. The level of interest can vary from person to person, and it's subjective rather than verifiable by evidence or facts. Therefore, this quotation represents an opinion.

7. Fact

Explanation: This quotation indicates a specific relationship between the speaker and the other person mentioned. It states that they were partners, emphasizing their equal standing and collaboration. The nature of being partners can be objectively assessed and corroborated, making it a factual statement.