Which of the following lists structures from smallest to largest?

A. Chromosome, supercoil, coil, nucleosome, double helix
B. Chromosome, coil, double helix, nucleosome, supercoil
C. Double helix, nucleosome, coil, super coil, chromosome
D. Nucleosome, coil, double helix, chormosome, super coil



@mhm is 100% correct :)


yeah that dudes correct


i got 100%



mhm is correct, thx bro

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the sizes and arrangement of these structures. Let's break it down:

1. Double helix: This refers to the shape of DNA, which consists of two strands twisted around each other.

2. Nucleosome: A nucleosome is a structural unit of DNA, consisting of a segment of DNA wrapped around a histone protein core. Nucleosomes help compact the DNA and play a role in gene regulation.

3. Coil: A coil refers to a more compact structure formed by the coiling and folding of nucleosomes.

4. Supercoil: A supercoil is a further level of compaction in DNA, formed by the coiling and twisting of coils.

5. Chromosome: A chromosome is the largest and most highly organized structure in a cell's nucleus. It consists of a long strand of DNA wrapped around proteins and contains numerous genes.

Now let's evaluate the options:

A. Chromosome, supercoil, coil, nucleosome, double helix: This option starts with the largest structure (chromosome) and progressively moves to smaller structures. However, the order of the remaining structures is incorrect.

B. Chromosome, coil, double helix, nucleosome, supercoil: This option starts with the largest structure (chromosome) and then proceeds with progressively smaller structures, which is the correct order.

C. Double helix, nucleosome, coil, supercoil, chromosome: This option begins with the smallest structure (double helix) and progresses to the largest structure (chromosome). Therefore, this order is incorrect.

D. Nucleosome, coil, double helix, chromosome, supercoil: This option starts with a nucleosome, then moves to a coil, and then a double helix. The order ends with a chromosome and a supercoil, which is incorrect.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is B. Chromosome, coil, double helix, nucleosome, supercoil.