Help with calculations I figured it out on my own but not sure if correct? Please help!!!

2018-2019 semester

2 bedroom
2 bathroom
700 sq. Ft
Green fee $10.00
Utilities $ 60.00
2 people
Rent $975

$975÷2 =$487.5

Financial aid: $21,720.00
Fees : $4,902.00
Fees : $300

So, I took $21,720.00-$4802.00+$300=$17,118
Then took $17,118-$480.5=$16,637.5

So I have $16,637.5 left?

This line left me confused.


If your rent is 487.50/month for 7 months, that's $3412.50

If your fees are
Fees : $4,902.00
Fees : $300
then you should subtract both, right?

So, I get

21,720.00-(4902+300) - 3412.50
21,720-4902-300-3412.50 = 13,105.50

I dont follow

a) isn't rent costs per month?
b) isn't FA per semester?
It looks to me as you mixed those.

What about the $10 "green fees" and $60 utilities per month?

So wouldn't the monthly cost be (975+10+60)/2 or $522.5 ?

To confirm whether your calculations are correct, let's go through the calculations step by step:

1. You correctly divided the rent of $975 by 2 since there are 2 people sharing the apartment. This gives you $487.5 per person per month.

2. Next, you subtracted 7 months of rent from that amount, which is $487.5 x 7 = $3,412.5. Therefore, the remaining amount is $487.5 - $3,412.5 = -$2,925 (negative value implies owing money).

3. Moving on to the financial aid calculation, you started with $21,720.0 as the initial amount. However, there seems to be a typographical error in your calculations where you wrote $4,902.00 twice. Assuming one of them is correct, let's correct it:

If we use the correct value of $4,902.00 for the first fee, the calculation would be:
$21,720.00 - $4,902.00 = $16,818.00

Adding the additional fee of $300, the new total becomes:
$16,818.00 + $300 = $17,118.00

4. Subtracting the owed rent from the new total, we get:
$17,118.00 - $2,925 = $14,193.00

Based on the calculations provided, it appears that you have $14,193.00 remaining, not $16,637.5. However, please double-check and ensure that all the numbers were entered correctly to ensure accuracy.