Choose the odd one: a)NMQP b)IOUK c)EFDK d)TUSK give reason

Ends in K, has a vowel in first two letters: IOUK, EFDK, TUSK

not fitting: NMQP

These ones are so much fun... because if you can "justify" why... then who is to say if you are right : )

Since b) c) and d) all have VOWELS that would mean that a) NMQP is the odd one out : )

To determine the odd one out among the options (a) NMQP, (b) IOUK, (c) EFDK, and (d) TUSK, we need to analyze the patterns or characteristics of each option.

Looking at option (a) NMQP, option (b) IOUK, and option (c) EFDK, we can see that they consist of consonants only. In option (d) TUSK, there is a vowel present (U).

Therefore, the odd one out is option (d) TUSK because it is the only option that contains a vowel, while the other options consist of consonants only.