Max spent $53 and now has no money left. How much does he have before purchase?

He must have had $53.


Max had 53 (positive btw) beforemax had made his purchase.

$53 (positive number)

How much do you think he have left


To find out how much Max had before the purchase, we need to subtract $53 from the total amount he spent. Since he now has no money left, the amount he had before the purchase would be his total expenditure plus $53.

Therefore, the equation becomes:

Total amount before the purchase = Total amount spent + $53

Since the problem statement mentions that Max spent $53 and now has no money left, we can substitute the values into the equation:

Total amount before the purchase = $53 + $53

Simplifying the equation:

Total amount before the purchase = $106

Hence, Max had $106 before the purchase.