What led North Korea to become a Communist country?

It was the Korean Revolution’s overthrow of the Republic of Korea.
It was the invasion and occupation of North Korea by the Soviet Union during World War II.
It was the puppet government of Puyi establishing a Communist state on the Korean peninsula.
It was the influence of the Chinese nationalists that invaded the territory during the Boxer Rebellion.

I agree.

If your reading this right now just know that I am writing this because I have nothing better to do but y'all should like add me on tik tok haha you will probably laugh at me but I don't care also my username is the same name I'm using for this soooooo……….

c is wrong

its hecking wrong

follow my tiktok it's the same as the name that posted this comment :)

wrong answer fix it

What’s the answer to this question?

Its B

It's the Invasion and the occupation of North Korea by the Soviet union during WWII.

The correct answer is C.

To understand why North Korea became a Communist country, it is important to consider the historical context. After Japan's surrender at the end of World War II in 1945, Korea was divided into two zones along the 38th parallel - the Soviet Union controlled the north and the United States controlled the south.

In the northern part of Korea, the Soviet Union supported the establishment of a Communist regime led by Kim Il-sung. Kim Il-sung had been an anti-Japanese guerrilla fighter during the Japanese occupation of Korea and had received support and training from the Soviet Union. In September 1948, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) was proclaimed, with Kim Il-sung as the leader.

The Soviet Union played a crucial role in the establishment of the Communist regime in North Korea. They provided military assistance, economic aid, and political support. The Soviet Union also helped consolidate Kim Il-sung's authority by promoting the ideology of Communism and helping to organize the Korean Workers' Party.

Therefore, the influence and support of the Soviet Union, along with Kim Il-sung's leadership and the establishment of the Korean Workers' Party, were the main factors that led North Korea to become a Communist country.