How did nations collectively intensify the conditions of the Great Depression?

The breakdown in economic interdependence led to the inflation of multiple currencies worldwide and reduced international trade.
The raising of tariffs in different countries led to a restriction of trade that caused the Great Depression to last longer.
The League of Nations’ lack of bylaws to handle economic issues provided no relief to nations in need of loans.
The unwillingness of nations to consider deficit spending stifled production and worsened the plight of unemployed workers around the world.


ms. sue, you're no help whats so ever.

It is B

B is correct for anybody trying to find the answer

what is it then?

What is it?

No, the correct answer is actually A. The breakdown in economic interdependence led to the inflation of multiple currencies worldwide and reduced international trade.

In order to understand why this is the correct answer, let's break down the four options:

A. The breakdown in economic interdependence led to the inflation of multiple currencies worldwide and reduced international trade.

This option highlights how the collapse of international trade and economic interdependence had a significant impact on the intensification of the Great Depression. As countries became more isolated and adopted protectionist policies, such as raising tariffs, it led to a reduction in global trade and economic activity.

B. The raising of tariffs in different countries led to a restriction of trade that caused the Great Depression to last longer.

While this option acknowledges the impact of raising tariffs on trade restriction, it doesn't encompass all the factors that collectively intensified the conditions of the Great Depression.

C. The League of Nations’ lack of bylaws to handle economic issues provided no relief to nations in need of loans.

While the League of Nations' inability to effectively address economic issues may have contributed to the challenges faced by nations during the Great Depression, it is not the primary factor that collectively intensified the conditions.

D. The unwillingness of nations to consider deficit spending stifled production and worsened the plight of unemployed workers around the world.

Though the unwillingness of nations to engage in deficit spending may have had a negative impact on production and unemployment, it does not encompass the overall collective intensification of the conditions of the Great Depression.

Therefore, the correct option is A. The breakdown in economic interdependence led to the inflation of multiple currencies worldwide and reduced international trade.

I disagree.