Various project are handled by internal financial institution on a year basis. It is your task to give one gold one sliver and one bronze medal to each chose project. Name and detailed description of the project. type of medal (gold,sliver or bronze). Positive impact and how they could have been even more impactful. Negative impact and how they could have been avoided.

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To give one gold, one silver, and one bronze medal to each chosen project, you will need to evaluate them individually based on their positive and negative impacts. Here's a breakdown of the criteria and steps you can follow to select the medal recipients:

1. Identify the projects:
- Obtain a list of all the projects handled by the internal financial institution during the year.
- Review the project descriptions, outcomes, and impacts.

2. Positive impact assessment:
- Evaluate each project's positive impact on the organization, stakeholders, or society.
- Consider factors such as revenue generation, cost savings, process improvements, innovation, customer satisfaction, environmental sustainability, social responsibility, etc.

3. Possible enhancements for greater impact:
- Analyze each project's positive impact and identify areas where they could have been even more impactful.
- Look into missed opportunities, potential improvements, or additional initiatives that could have further enhanced the positive outcomes.
- Consider strategies like better resource allocation, more thorough risk assessment, improved stakeholder engagement, stronger partnerships, or utilizing emerging technologies.

4. Negative impact identification:
- Assess any negative impacts or challenges associated with each project.
- Identify issues such as budget overruns, delays, negative customer feedback, environmental damage, or any other adverse consequences.

5. Mitigation strategies:
- Provide suggestions on how negative impacts could have been avoided or minimized.
- Explore approaches such as better project planning, effective risk management, regular monitoring and evaluation, proactive communication, or conducting comprehensive feasibility studies.

Based on the abovementioned analysis, select one project for each medal category:

Gold Medal: Choose the project that has demonstrated exceptional positive impact, showing significant revenue generation, cost savings, or transformative outcomes. Highlight its name and provide a detailed description of the project and its positive impact.

Silver Medal: Identify another project that has delivered substantial positive impact, but perhaps not to the same extent as the gold medal project. Explain its name, description, and positive outcomes.

Bronze Medal: Select a project that has exhibited notable positive impact, although on a smaller scale compared to the gold and silver medal projects. Clarify its name, description, and positive impact.

Remember, the specific projects and their corresponding medals will be determined based on your evaluation of their positive and negative impacts.