science depends on which of the following



I know this seemed like an obvious answer, but everyone has so many opinions. I just get confused. Thanks you!

You're welcome.

Although hunches, imagination, and philosophy may suggest answers, only science can produce the evidence that produce facts.

Science primarily depends on evidence. Evidence is crucial for the scientific method, which is the systematic approach used by scientists to investigate the natural world.

To obtain evidence in scientific research, scientists conduct experiments, make observations, collect data, and analyze it through rigorous and objective methods. This process ensures that scientific conclusions are supported by factual evidence and not merely based on personal beliefs or subjective interpretations.

Hunches and imagination may play a role in generating scientific hypotheses or ideas, but they alone are insufficient for scientific progress. Scientists rely on evidence to test and validate these hunches, ultimately building a foundation of knowledge that is based on empirical observations and measurable data.

While philosophy can engage with scientific topics and methods of inquiry, it is distinct from science itself. Philosophy explores broader questions about the nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, whereas science focuses on the empirical study of the natural world through systematic observation and experimentation.