Which answer best completes the following sentence?

Two advantages of a confederation are that it ______ and ______.

A: prevents abuse of power by a national government; preserves local identity
B: concentrates power in state governments; makes national government too weak to meet local needs
C: prevents abuse of power by state governments; preserves national identity
D: concentrates power in national government; makes national government strong enough to meet local needs
Is it A

Strangest math problem I've ever seen!

Yes, A.

Yes, the correct answer is A: prevents abuse of power by a national government; preserves local identity.

To arrive at this answer, we can first identify the key phrases in the sentence that are associated with the advantages of a confederation. In this case, those key phrases are "advantages of a confederation" and "it" (referring to the confederation).

Next, we can look at the options and analyze each one:

A: prevents abuse of power by a national government; preserves local identity - This option aligns with the advantages listed in the sentence.

B: concentrates power in state governments; makes national government too weak to meet local needs - This option suggests that the concentration of power in state governments is an advantage, which does not match the sentence.

C: prevents abuse of power by state governments; preserves national identity - This option suggests preventing abuse by state governments, which contradicts the sentence's mention of national government abuse.

D: concentrates power in national government; makes national government strong enough to meet local needs - This option suggests concentrating power in the national government, which is not aligned with the idea of preventing abuse by the national government and preserving local identity.

By process of elimination, option A is the best answer that completes the sentence with two advantages of a confederation.

Yes, the correct answer is A: prevents abuse of power by a national government; preserves local identity.