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What kind of complement is the underlined word?

My father moved the plants into the greenhouse.

indirect object object

C.predicate nominative

D.predicate adjective

What kind of complement is the underlined word?

The oldest person in the band will be Taylor.

A.predicate nominative

B.predicate adjective

C.indirect object object

11 underline word is plants

12 underline word is Taylor

Which word is underlined? In any case, do you know what each of the choices mean? If not, read your text materials to find out. If that doesn't work, "google" them to learn what they are. Then, when you can propose an answer, we'll be glad to check it for you.

Okay, you did tell us which word was underlined, but after I wrote my response. The rest of my response is my advice.

To determine the kind of complement in a sentence, you need to identify the function of the underlined word or phrase.

In the first sentence, "My father moved the plants into the greenhouse," the underlined word is "the plants." This word is receiving the action of the verb "moved," so it is functioning as the direct object.
Therefore, the answer is B. direct object.

In the second sentence, "The oldest person in the band will be Taylor," the underlined word is "Taylor." This word renames or identifies the subject "the oldest person," so it is functioning as the predicate nominative.
Therefore, the answer is A. predicate nominative.

Remember, to identify the kind of complement in a sentence, you need to understand the grammatical function of the underlined word or phrase.