Part 1:

Using the Library, web resources, and/or other materials, find the average weight in pounds of a type of bird of your choice. Use the rational exponent equation L = 2.43 * W^0.3326 to estimate the wingspan L in feet of the bird that weighs W pounds (Rockswold, 2006). Include in your post the type of bird and the average weight and show the calculations necessary to find the approximate wingspan.

In case conversions are necessary, 16 oz is 1 pound; 1 kg = 2.2 pounds.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Part 2:

An application of a rational function is T = (AB)/(A+B), which gives the time, T, it takes for two workers to complete a particular task where A & B represent the time it would take for each individual worker to complete the identical task.

Estimate how long it takes you to complete a task of your choice (house cleaning, mowing, etc.) in a given week. Suppose that Joe is slower than you at the given task and takes twice as long as you do. If you work together, how long would it take you to complete the task?

Include the type of job, the time it takes you and Joe individually to complete the job, and the calculations needed to show how long it would take to complete the job if you worked together. Include units with your answer.

We do not do assignments for students. The instructions for what you are to do in your assignments are clearly explained. If there is a particular part of the assignment you don't understand, let us know.

Part 1:

To find the average weight in pounds of a specific bird, we can use the library, web resources, or other materials. Let's say the bird of our choice is the American Robin.

Using the resources, we find that the average weight of an American Robin is approximately 77 grams (2.72 ounces) (Audubon, 2021). Now, we need to convert this weight to pounds. Since 16 ounces equal 1 pound, we divide 2.72 by 16 to get approximately 0.17 pounds.

Next, we can use the rational exponent equation L = 2.43 * W^0.3326 to estimate the wingspan L in feet of the bird that weighs W pounds (Rockswold, 2006). Substituting the weight W with 0.17 pounds, we can calculate the wingspan as follows:

L = 2.43 * (0.17)^0.3326

L = 2.43 * 0.7212

L ≈ 1.75 feet

Therefore, the estimated wingspan of an American Robin with an average weight of 0.17 pounds is approximately 1.75 feet.

APA Style Reference:
Audubon. (2021). American Robin. Retrieved from <insert URL>

Part 2:

Let's choose mowing the lawn as the type of task for this part.

Given that it takes you a certain amount of time to complete the task, we'll represent this time as A. Suppose Joe, who is slower than you, takes twice as long as you do, so his time will be 2A.

The rational function T = (AB)/(A+B), where A and B represent the time it takes for each individual worker to complete the identical task, can be used to estimate the time it would take for two workers to complete the task when they work together.

To find out how long it would take both of you to complete the task, we substitute A and B with the respective times:

T = (A * 2A) / (A + 2A)

T = 2A^2 / 3A

T = 2A / 3

Therefore, if it takes you A time units to complete the task and Joe takes twice as long (2A), then when you both work together, it would take 2/3 of your individual time to complete the task.

Let's say it takes you 4 hours to mow the lawn. Then Joe takes 2 * 4 = 8 hours to mow the same lawn. When you both work together, it would take:

T = 2/3 * 4

T ≈ 2.67 hours

Hence, if you work together, it would take approximately 2.67 hours to complete the mowing task.

Remember to include the appropriate units with your answer.

APA Style Reference:
Rockswold, G. (2006). College algebra: Precalculus and rational functions. Pearson Education, Inc.