A drama club is planning a bus trip to New York City to see a Broadway play. The cost per person for the bus rental varies inversely as the number of people going on the trip. It will cost $30 per person if 55 people go on the trip. How much will it cost per person if 60 people go on the trip?

I have no idea how to do this

30 * 55 = $_________

Divide that number by 60,

Cost = (55/60) * 30 =




To solve this problem, we can use the concept of inverse variation. Inverse variation refers to a relationship where one variable increases while the other decreases, and the product of the two variables remains constant.

In this case, the number of people going on the trip and the cost per person have an inverse variation relationship. Let's represent the number of people going on the trip as x and the cost per person as y.

We can set up an equation to represent the inverse variation relationship:

xy = k

where k is a constant.

We are given that when 55 people go on the trip, the cost per person is $30. So we can plug in these values into our equation:

55 * 30 = k

Now, we can solve for k:

k = 1650

Now that we have the value of k, we can determine the cost per person if 60 people go on the trip by plugging it into the equation:

60 * y = 1650

Solving for y:

y = 1650 / 60

y ≈ 27.5

Therefore, if 60 people go on the trip, it will cost approximately $27.5 per person.