Which options accurately describe the actions by individual leaders that shaped the Korean conflict?

(select all that apply)

a. Stalin was opposed to getting the Soviets involved in a military dispute with the United States and its allies so soon after WWII.

b. MacArthur's arrogance and unwillingness to follow orders created friction with Truman that led to MacArthur's dismissal.

c. Truman used the UN's involvement to carry out his anti-Communist agenda without officially declaring war on North Korea.

d. Kim Il- Sung used position as leader of North Korea to establish a socialist state allied with the Soviet Union and China.

e. Mao was eager to become embroiled in a war with the United States to gain credibility and respect for poorly regarded China.

b, c, and d?

I agree.

The correct answer would be B,C, and D

These are actually wrong, i put them on an assignment and got them wrong

follow my tiktok it's the same name that commented this

so whats the answer

To determine which options accurately describe the actions by individual leaders that shaped the Korean conflict, let's break down each option:

a. Stalin was opposed to getting the Soviets involved in a military dispute with the United States and its allies so soon after WWII.

This option is not accurate. Stalin was actually supportive of North Korea and played a key role in encouraging the invasion of South Korea. The Soviet Union's involvement in the conflict was significant.

b. MacArthur's arrogance and unwillingness to follow orders created friction with Truman that led to MacArthur's dismissal.

This option is accurate. General MacArthur, the commander of the United Nations forces in Korea, clashed with President Truman due to his insubordination and disregard for orders. This eventually led to MacArthur's dismissal from his position.

c. Truman used the UN's involvement to carry out his anti-Communist agenda without officially declaring war on North Korea.

This option is accurate. President Truman utilized the United Nations' involvement in the Korean conflict to pursue his anti-Communist agenda. The UN forces, primarily led by the United States, intervened to support South Korea against North Korea's aggression.

d. Kim Il-Sung used his position as the leader of North Korea to establish a socialist state allied with the Soviet Union and China.

This option is accurate. Kim Il-Sung, the leader of North Korea, indeed used his position to establish a socialist state and aligned North Korea with the Soviet Union and China. This alliance greatly influenced the course and dynamics of the Korean conflict.

e. Mao was eager to become embroiled in a war with the United States to gain credibility and respect for poorly regarded China.

This option is not accurate. While Mao Zedong, the leader of China, did support North Korea and sent Chinese forces to aid them in the Korean conflict, the assertion that Mao wanted a war with the United States solely to improve China's international reputation is an oversimplification.

So, the correct options are b. MacArthur's arrogance and unwillingness to follow orders created friction with Truman that led to MacArthur's dismissal., c. Truman used the UN's involvement to carry out his anti-Communist agenda without officially declaring war on North Korea., and d. Kim Il-Sung used his position as the leader of North Korea to establish a socialist state allied with the Soviet Union and China.