Are there any skills that people get worse at the more they practice?

Typically to get better at something, we practice it over and over. But, are there any skills that we get worse at the more we practice them? I know it sounds like a weird question, but I was wondering if there were any examples.

I think being a therapist or having therapeutic skills can get worse over time. If it is so regularly practiced to have 'empathy' for others as a job, there is some kind of deadening of one's empathic and listening abilities at an advanced stage of being a licensed psychologist or therapist. They can become more rigid or judgmental in their approach and less effective in helping others with their emotional or psychological problems.

Throwing up.

That's an interesting question! While it seems counterintuitive, there are certain skills that people can actually get worse at the more they practice. One such skill is overfitting in machine learning.

When training a machine learning model, the goal is to find patterns and relationships in the training data that can be generalized to make accurate predictions on new, unseen data. However, if the model is overly complex or has too many parameters, it may "overfit" the training data. This means that the model becomes overly specialized to the specific examples it has seen during training and fails to generalize well to new data.

Overfitting occurs when the model essentially memorizes the training data rather than understanding the underlying patterns. As a result, when presented with new data that deviates from the examples it has been trained on, the overfitted model may perform poorly.

To handle overfitting, it is important to strike a balance between complexity and generalization. Regularization techniques, such as adding penalties to the model's parameters or increasing the amount of training data, can be used to mitigate overfitting.

In summary, overfitting in machine learning is a skill that can actually worsen with excessive practice. By understanding this concept and applying appropriate techniques, machine learning practitioners can improve the generalization ability of their models.