Ashley needs 4.6 yards of chain to hang some flower baskets. The chain is sold by the meter. She knows that 1 yard=0.914 meter. How many meters of chain does Ashley need?

4.6 * 0.914 = ____ meters

To find out how many meters of chain Ashley needs, we can use the conversion factor between yards and meters.

Given that 1 yard is equal to 0.914 meters, we can set up a proportion:

1 yard / 0.914 meters = 4.6 yards / x meters

To find the value of x, we need to cross multiply and solve for x:

0.914 * 4.6 = 1 * x

Now we can calculate:

x = 0.914 * 4.6
x = 4.2044

Therefore, Ashley needs approximately 4.2044 meters of chain.