Which of these is true about water vapor?

A. It is water in a gas state.
B. It is water in a solid state.
C. It is water in a liquid state.
D. It is not measurable.

what do you think?

Bob I wanted to let you know that if it wasn't for you I would have probably just failed in science and I wanted to say thank you for your help. I was never very good at science.

It is water in a gas state

correct, Peter.

The correct answer is A. It is water in a gas state. Water vapor refers to water molecules that are present in the gaseous state. It is an invisible gas form of water that is often found in our atmosphere.

To determine the correct answer, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. In the solid state, matter has a fixed shape and volume, such as ice. In the liquid state, matter has a distinct volume but no fixed shape, such as liquid water. In the gaseous state, matter has neither a fixed shape nor volume and tends to expand to fill its container, like steam or water vapor.

By eliminating options B and C, which describe water in solid and liquid states respectively, we are left with option A, which correctly describes water vapor as being in a gas state.

Option D, stating that water vapor is not measurable, is incorrect as water vapor can be measured using various methods such as humidity sensors or by condensing it back into liquid form and measuring the amount of water collected.