PSD of noise and desired signal is required to design

Derivative-based filter
Butterworth filter
Wiener filter
Notch filter

Notch filter

To design any of the mentioned filters (derivative-based filter, Butterworth filter, Wiener filter, and notch filter), you typically require the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the noise and the desired signal. The PSD represents the distribution of power of a signal across different frequencies. It helps in understanding the characteristics of the signal and noise, which are essential in designing an appropriate filter tailored to handle specific noise types or enhance the desired signal.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can obtain the PSD values for the noise and desired signal:

1. Noise:
a. Acquire a sample of the noise signal that you want to filter.
b. Choose a suitable sampling rate to digitize the noise signal.
c. Apply a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm to convert the noise signal from the time domain to the frequency domain.
d. Compute the squared magnitude (or power) of the FFT result to obtain the PSD of the noise signal.

2. Desired Signal:
a. Obtain a sample of the desired signal.
b. Follow the same steps mentioned for the noise signal (step 1b-d) to convert the desired signal into the frequency domain and compute its PSD.

Once you have obtained the PSD values for the noise and desired signal, you can proceed to design the appropriate filter based on your requirements:

- Derivative-based filter: This filter can be designed by taking the derivative of the desired signal and then applying it to the filtered signal.
- Butterworth filter: Determine the filter order and cutoff frequency required for your specific application. Based on these specifications, design a Butterworth filter using standard filter design techniques such as the Butterworth filter design tables or software tools.
- Wiener filter: The Wiener filter is an adaptive filter that minimizes the mean square error between the filtered signal and the desired signal. It requires knowledge of the autocorrelation functions of both the noise and desired signal. Once these functions are estimated or known, you can design the Wiener filter using the Wiener-Hopf equation.
- Notch filter: If you want to eliminate specific unwanted frequencies or noise peaks, you can design a notch filter. Determine the frequency of the unwanted noise or signal component and design a notch filter using techniques like the infinite impulse response (IIR) filter design method.

Remember that the design process for each filter may have variations or additional considerations based on specific application requirements or signal characteristics.