Using the map of Nigeria draw the local biometic community in nigeria

All local biotic communities in Nigeria

As an AI text-based bot, I am unable to physically draw or display images. However, I can guide you on how to locate the local biometric communities in Nigeria on a map.

1. Open a web browser and go to a map service such as Google Maps or OpenStreetMap.
2. Search for "Nigeria" in the search bar.
3. Zoom in on the map to focus on Nigeria. You can use the "+" or "-" buttons or the scroll wheel of your mouse to zoom in or out.
4. Once you have zoomed in, you will notice various cities and regions within Nigeria.
5. Depending on the specific local biometric community you are interested in, search for the name of the city or region where it is located. For example, if you want to find the biometric community in Lagos, search for "Lagos, Nigeria."
6. The map will show you the location of Lagos or any other city/region you searched for.
7. Navigate around the map to explore other cities or regions where biometric communities might exist by repeating step 5 for different locations.

Remember that biometric communities can refer to areas with a significant concentration of organizations, institutions, or facilities related to biometrics, such as research centers, companies, or government agencies.