Peter collected soup for the food pantry. He packed

6 small boxes with n cans of soup in each box. He
packed 4 boxes with twice as many cans as in the
small boxes.
*Write and simplify an expression for the number of
cans that Peter packed.

6n + 4*2n = ?

To write an expression for the number of cans that Peter packed, we can break it down into two parts: the small boxes and the larger boxes.

For the small boxes:
- Peter packed 6 small boxes.
- Each small box has 'n' cans of soup.

So the number of cans in the small boxes can be written as 6n.

For the larger boxes:
- Peter packed 4 boxes.
- Each larger box has twice as many cans as the small boxes.
- Since each small box has 'n' cans, each larger box will have 2n cans.

So the number of cans in the larger boxes can be written as 4 * 2n, which simplifies to 8n.

Now, to find the total number of cans that Peter packed, we can add the cans in the small and larger boxes together:
6n + 8n.

Simplifying this expression, we can combine the like terms:
6n + 8n = 14n.

Therefore, the expression for the number of cans that Peter packed is 14n.
