According to you,is arranged mariage good or bad?give some reasons

NB:give 13


I don't think your teacher wants MY opinion. What do you think?

My question is what is good, and what is bad? La beauté est dans l'oeil de celui qui regarde.

As an AI, I don't have personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide you with some reasons that people commonly give when discussing arranged marriages. It's important to note that these reasons may vary depending on cultural, societal, and individual perspectives. Here are 13 reasons often mentioned in support or criticism of arranged marriages:

1. Cultural preservation: Arranged marriages can help preserve cultural practices and traditions that have been followed for generations.
2. Compatibility: Marriages are often arranged with the consideration of compatible backgrounds, including caste, religion, socio-economic status, and values.
3. Family involvement: Arranged marriages involve the families of both individuals, providing a support network and potential harmonious relationships between families.
4. Less emphasis on physical attraction: Many argue that arranged marriages focus on qualities such as character, values, and compatibility rather than surface-level attraction.
5. Commitment to the relationship: Arranged marriages typically involve the commitment of both families, which may contribute to increased efforts in making the relationship work.
6. Reducing the divorce rate: Supporters claim that the thoughtful consideration of compatibility decreases the likelihood of divorce in arranged marriages.
7. Financial stability: Arranged marriages sometimes consider financial compatibility, aiming to ensure a stable future for both partners.
8. Reduced pressure of dating: Some argue that arranged marriages remove the stress and uncertainty associated with finding a suitable partner on one's own.
9. Respect for parental wisdom: In certain cultures, arranged marriages are seen as a way to show respect and trust in the wisdom and experience of parents or elders.
10. Greater focus on family values: Arranged marriages often prioritize the alignment of family values, which can lead to better family integration and relationships.
11. Stronger support systems: With families involved from the beginning, supporters argue that arranged marriages offer a strong support system throughout the relationship.
12. Avoiding the 'honeymoon period': Critics argue that an arranged marriage skips the initial infatuation stage, leading to more practical and long-lasting partnerships.
13. Lack of personal autonomy: Critics contend that arranged marriages can limit individual freedoms and personal choice, potentially leading to unhappiness or dissatisfaction.

It's essential to remember that these reasons are not exhaustive, and opinions on the topic vary widely among individuals and societies.